Thursday 8 July 2010

OK, who's for a game of table football?

Quiet week in the studio now that our Cheshire travel agents' newsletter is off to print. Product emailer for our little home shopping company has winged its way out over the ether and we're checking response. So far, enough openers and click thrus to make it worthwhile but people just aren't buying. Is it a sign of the times?
Currently putting together the new CD cover for Unforgiven - our newly adopted favourite Dover based band. Short list of about 4 ideas and S is working up tracklists for presentation. It's not a big payer but it's fun to do so we're happy. Apart from that, its working up new ideas to grow some business.
NB. Found awesome clip for Iron Man 2 v ACDC filmed at Rochester Castle in Kent. If you haven't seen it, it's worth a peek:

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